3.5 stars on App Store

One Things for Sure, This App is Loaded with Fun!  It Always has a perfect quote for those times you just don’t know what to say :)

The Laughs Just Don’t Stop!

SuperBites is a super fun app that provides tons of fun quotes from the classic comedy superbad. McLovin quotes are in full swing with these always entertaining clips. This app will keep you laughing and is always fun to whip out at parties and drop a quote when the room gets quiet. Take it for a ride today and let the laughs begin!


If you love Superbad you will love this super app! Great clips from the movie!


This app is loads of fun! It has all the cool quotes that are some of my favorites from the movie!! Superbites is super fun and has been great to mess around with for me and my friends. Thanks for the fun app!

Jim Price

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